
Articles and opinion on the world of tenders and the processes around them

tender help

Need tender help? How tender consultants can supercharge your tender application

As we’ve said many times, winning tenders can be a game-changer for your business.
But tenders can be daunting. Tender consultants can provide help in many ways – strategising, creating and writing winning applications.
We’ll show you the invaluable tender help that consultants can provide (your tender team won’t know themselves!).

gender equality procurement

How do companies promote gender equality procurement in their tenders?

In today’s competitive landscape, tender submissions require a strategic approach. One way to go above and beyond and distinguish yourself is by demonstrating a commitment to gender equality procurement.

How do you foster an inclusive environment throughout your company, your supply chain and ensuring equal opportunities for diverse talent?

tender evaluation criteria

What are tender evaluation criteria?

Central to the tender process is the establishment of evaluation criteria. It’s essential to understand the criteria and how these criteria are weighted as they influence whether your tender is successful!

tender closing date

How to meet the tender closing date without losing it!

Rushing is the number 1 cause of errors and omissions in tender responses – some of which can be very difficult to back out of once you submit the tender documents to your Client.

So how do you stop the rush? We’ve got three top tips!

legal services tenders

Innovative strategies for winning legal services tenders

The Australian government is a billion dollar spender on legal services and a lucrative target for law firms of all sizes.

However, winning government contracts can be a competitive process, and law firms need to be strategic in their approach.

ai tender submission

AI tender submission – the good, the bad, and the augmented

Having a tender submission tool that will meticulously craft your bids, ensures every ‘i’ is dotted and every ‘t’ is crossed, while analysing market trends and competitors’ strategies with lightning speed sounds amazing, doesn’t it?

It’s a tantalising prospect for your company to gain a competitive edge. But, as with any revolution, there are two sides to this AI coin. It’s a complex dance between innovation and caution.

ai tender writing

AI tender writing – yay or nay?

How AI is changing the way we write responses to public tenders – for the better.

Using AI when responding to government tenders can offer several benefits that can enhance the competitiveness and effectiveness of your bid.

sme success in government procurement

The key to mastering success in SME government procurement

“Winning a government contract can be life-changing for a small business.  As all businesses know, there is no substitute for good customers,”
We unravel the challenges for SME’s winning government procurement, shedding light on each problem while providing practical solutions.

pros and cons of tendering

What are the pros and cons of tendering?

Like any strategic approach, tendering comes with its share of advantages and disadvantages.

Delve into the pros and cons of tendering, to shed light on the key considerations that your company should weigh before embarking on this path.