Case Study: Defence Industry Tender Bid

Pinpointing tender criteria for prestigious defence tender

Twenty years ago, our Client had tendered for – and won – a prestigious Defence contract. The contract was out for tender again.

The business challenge

Our Client’s problem was that the Defence tender document was onerous:

  • Compliance requirements were serious and complex;
  • The people-hours required to write and respond to the tender document were significant;
  • The Terms and Conditions required a thorough appraisal of ongoing risks if selected as the winning tenderer.

Our support

Firstly, our tender consultants systematically identified, analysed and helped our Client address all compliance requirements – such improvements put our Client ahead of the Competitors who were unable to address the requirements fully.

Secondly, we evaluated draft tender responses against the tender criteria. We then worked alongside each of our Client’s subject matter experts to re-write selected responses to maximise evaluation scores.  Specific elements that provided advantages and benefits to Defence and showed our Client as way above their competitors, were unearthed and emphasised.

Thirdly, we coached the Client’s presentation Team to deliver a polished, compliant, and distinguished differentiation to the Defence evaluators.


Our Client was selected on a panel of two tenderers from an international field of competitors. Our Client was afforded the opportunity to submit a best-and-final price for negotiation.

Need tender help to beat your competitors?