Understanding tender evaluation criteria weighting and how it should shape your tender strategy

This is a topic close to our hearts – and one that our team want to shout from the roof.  This is so important to winning tenders!

Winning a tender isn’t just about meeting the requirements; it’s about understanding the nuances of the tender evaluation criteria and strategically aligning responses to maximise success.

One of the critical elements in this process is the tender evaluation criteria weighting. 

Tenders are often won by just a 1 to 2% difference between competitors, so understanding tender evaluation criteria weighting is crucial.

We’re going to show you how weighting profoundly influences your company’s tender strategy.

What are tender evaluation criteria?

A quick recap –

Tender evaluation criteria are the specific factors a tendering authority considers when assessing bids.  They include tender criteria such as price, technical expertise, methodology, resources and capacity, sustainability practices, compliance with regulations and local content requirements.

What is tender evaluation criteria weighting?

Tender evaluation criteria weighting, typically expressed as a percentage, refers to assigning importance or priority to different evaluation criteria based on their significance to the contracting authority.

Tender evaluation criteria weighting reflects the buyer’s priorities, which can vary based on project objectives, industry standards, and regulatory requirements.

By understanding these priorities, your company can tailor your responses to highlight strengths in areas that carry more weight, thereby increasing your chances of success.

Let’s say, a tender has the following weighting:

  • Price: 40%
  • Technical Expertise: 30%
  • Methodology: 20%
  • Resources and Capacity: 10%

In this example, cost is a significant tender criteria at 40%, but so is technical expertise at 30%. A company with a slightly higher price can still win the tender if they demonstrate exceptional experience and a well-defined approach.

Shaping your strategy around tender evaluation criteria weighting

Let’s look at how weighting influences your tender strategy and explore ways your company can prioritise your responses accordingly.

Analyse the tender evaluation criteria weighting by –

  • Scrutinising the tender documents.

Carefully review the weighting assigned to each criterion. This gives you invaluable insights into what matters most to your tendering client.

  • Identifying the priorities in the tender.

Analyse which tender evaluation criteria hold the most weight. Focus on these areas and ensure your bid demonstrably meets or exceeds their expectations.

An example of tender evaluation criteria weighting for a construction industry

Imagine a scenario where a construction company bids for a government infrastructure project. The tender document outlines several evaluation criteria, including technical expertise, price, project timeline, and sustainability measures.

Now, suppose the contracting authority assigns a higher weight to technical expertise and sustainability compared to price and timeline.

In this case, even if the bidder offers the lowest price but lacks the required technical expertise or sustainability initiatives, their proposal may not rank favourably.

Optimise your response by –

  • Allocating your resources strategically.

By understanding the weighting, your company can allocate resources effectively. You can prioritise efforts and investments in areas that are most likely to influence the evaluation outcome, such as gathering supporting evidence, references and data to bolster your claims – thus, optimising your overall bid strategy. 

  • Tailoring your content.

Align your response directly with the weighted criteria.  Don’t submit a generic response.

An example of tender evaluation criteria weighting for an IT services tender

The published tender states the tender evaluation criteria is Price (50%), Technical Solution (30%), Service Level Agreement (SLA) Compliance (15%), Innovation (5%).

Here, price carries the highest weight, suggesting a cost-sensitive procurement.

An IT services provider aiming to win this tender should prioritise their efforts and investments on offering competitive pricing without compromising on quality.

Additionally, they can showcase innovative solutions or value-added services to differentiate their proposal while ensuring compliance with SLAs. 

Emphasise value beyond price by –

  • Not underestimating the power of a compelling proposal.

While cost is crucial, a strong value proposition can make a difference, especially if other criteria hold significant weight.

  • Highlighting cost-effectiveness.

Demonstrate how your solution offers long-term savings, increased efficiency, or reduced maintenance costs compared to competitors.

An example of tender evaluation criteria weighting for a waste management company

tender evaluation criteria weighting waste management company

A waste management company tenders for a city council contract.

Recognising the high weighting (40%) on “Price,” they present a competitive quote.

Additionally, they showcase their innovative recycling methods, which could lead to long-term cost savings for the city council through reduced landfill fees.

Prioritising without neglect by –

  • Focusing on high-weighted criteria, but not ignoring others. 

Even seemingly minor criteria with lower weightings can still impact your overall score.

  • Maintaining a balance.

Ensure your response adequately addresses all evaluation points, even those with a lower weight.

  • Focusing on strengths.

Once the weighting is clear, companies should emphasise their strengths in areas of high importance.

For instance, if technical expertise carries the most weight, a company should showcase its track record, qualifications of personnel, and innovative solutions related to the project.

  • Addressing weaknesses proactively.

While focusing on strengths is crucial, your company must also address potential weaknesses in areas of high importance.

For example, if sustainability measures are heavily weighted, a bidder lacking in this aspect could collaborate with environmental experts or propose innovative eco-friendly solutions to enhance their proposal.

An example of tender evaluation criteria weighting for a landscaping company

A landscaping company tenders for a contract to maintain public parks.

They prioritise showcasing their experience (30% weighting) and environmentally friendly practices (20% weighting).

However, they also dedicate a section to outlining their safety protocols and workforce qualifications (15% weighting), demonstrating a comprehensive approach.

Don’t forget – tender evaluation criteria weighting is not the only factor.

Understanding the specific needs of the tendering authority and tailoring your response accordingly remains crucial.

However, by strategically prioritising your bid based on the weighting of evaluation criteria, you significantly increase your chances of crafting a winning tender that stands out from the competition.

Craft a winning tender strategy now

We can help you showcase your strengths, address weaknesses, through tender evaluation criteria weighting.

How can Tender Evaluation team how you? Our consultants can be valuable allies in deciphering the weightings assigned to tender evaluation criteria. Our expertise will help your company communicate your evaluation criteria proof and find new strategies in the areas your company is weak – all aimed to improve your score for the tender evaluation criteria (and WIN!).

Talk to the team today!

Don’t understand what the tender evaluation criteria such as price, methodology, technical expertise -really means? We explain their meanings and how to interpret them in your next tender.