Want To Win More Water Tenders?

Save 25% of your time responding to water tenders and smash your win rate

Water tenders and procurement are your opportunity for longer-term revenue and profit.

Water tenders enable you to lock-in longer-term revenue and profit. This means you have more time to focus on delivering quality services and of course, keep your good field staff working!

Win water tenders and procurement contracts that expand your business and fit your expertise perfectly!

From relatively simple maintenance services through to complex design and construction of water infrastructure (eg. tanks/dams, pipes, stormwater catchment, and treatment plants), to integration of new technology solutions like water treatment solutions and sustainable energy solutions such as wind and solar farms and bio-mass power generation.

Across industries, including the design and engineering of infrastructure for water, waste water, power infrastructure, buildings, roads and tunnels, bridges, railways, pipes, tanks, dams, ships – plus more.

Win new clients from the water utilities themselves, prime contractors and major subcontractors to the water industry.

We'll show you how!

water tenders australia water treatment

Where do you begin to win water tenders?


The main problem with water tenders is that they are high risk for the client, so they take your company a lot of time to respond to them – even simple contracts. Your clients must avoid water supply and/or quality risks such as contamination, disruption to supply, so they make their tender document requirements very detailed to identify the high risk bidders.


You really need to know what your clients’ tender evaluators are looking for, and often clients are not particularly clear with what they are looking for.

As two examples, a very good price but a risky water services delivery methodology, or a very good price but a risky water operations team (inexperienced workforce) are both combinations that water tender evaluators don’t rate highly.


Then there’s the problem of Mandatory and Comparative Evaluation Criteria. If your organisation can’t prove that it currently meets the Mandatory Evaluation Criteria, there is no point in responding: you only have a chance of winning if no-one else bids for the work (which just about never happens).


Lastly, you need to do a really professional job of responding to the Comparative Evaluation Criteria - things like your organisation’s capabilities and capacities, track-record of successful delivery, financial strength, key personnel and how you’ll deliver what the clients wants (often called ‘Methodology’) – because that is often where water tenders are won: sometimes by as little as a 2% difference in evaluation scores.

Water tenders are always time-consuming and tricky to get right, but necessary, otherwise you miss out on long-term jobs that your organisation could potentially win. Thankfully there are solutions.

water tenders australia sewage treatment plant

Let Tender Evaluation help you win more water tenders with less time and effort

How to direct your resources, time and money only to water tenders that you are likely to win

We help you look critically at the Mandatory Evaluation Criteria and make a realistic decision about whether you’re likely to be successful or not.

How to easily beat your competitors

We help you write a submission that maximises your likely evaluation scores for the Competitive Evaluation Criteria. We do this by evaluating your water tender responses before you submit them to your Client.

Why choose Tender Evaluation?

Our successful 30 year track record includes working with these clients on winning water tenders -

* Veolia Water Technologies

* Broadspectrum/Downer Joint Venture

* Diona Pty Ltd

* UGL Water

* Abergeldie Complex Infrastructure

Ready to win your next water tender?

We can help!

Simply fill out the form below to book your FREE 30-minute chat with our tender experts to discuss your approach to winning your next water tender and procurement project.

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